22 Aug| 5 min read

Bambini Health Selected for

“The Opportunity Project"

Bambini Health is a health tech company that provides menu planning for parents, children, schools and food suppliers. At Bambini Health, we challenged ourselves to develop a solution that everyone involved could engage with the students, parents, cafeteria staff, food suppliers, and school administrators. We believe the voices of parents and kids should be heard when it comes to their kids’ food selections at school. That is how Bambini Health came to life.


Bambini Health was recently selected to participate in a sprint-based innovation program that brings together technologists, government, and communities to rapidly prototype digital products—powered by federal open data—that solve real-world problems for people across the country- The Opportunity Project. More than 180 digital solutions have been created through this project to address issues like disaster response, youth and veteran homelessness, reducing ocean plastics, COVID-19, rural economic development, and more.


As part of the challenge we will work with top leaders across governmental,  nonprofit and philanthropic communities to help combat long-term adverse mental health outcomes for children in Puerto Rico. Through innovation and technology, we plan to build a solution that can be widely used by kids throughout Puerto Rico.


We know that obesity in kids is more than just a health issue – it also has an impact on kids’ mental health. Also, there are a disproportionate number of cases of obesity in children that come from minority and low-income environments. The poverty rate in Puerto Rico decreased by 1.3 percentage points, from 44.4% in 2017 to 43.1% in 2018. However, poverty in Puerto Rico is still much higher than the U.S. national rate of 13.1% and is more than double the poverty rate of 19.7% in Mississippi, which had among the highest state poverty rates in 2018.


Often, the food available at school is a crucial source of nutrition for those who cannot or do not eat well at home. Our technology gives everyone of all backgrounds and financial levels the power to make good, informed decisions about food. We believe by helping the kids in Puerto Rico this is a great start to helping protect their mental health and support their healthy development.


We are excited to kick off this project in August 2022.

Charmain Bogue

CEO and Co-Founder

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